Obstacle Course
finding games to play with the kids

Obstacle Course

Diverse Group

We spent some time playing with the kids over the holidays. The size and diverse age and abilities of the group makes it pretty difficult to figure out. One day the older kids and parents were playing a little basketball. While they were playing the younger kids were roller skating around the gym. Others where throwing balls, or other items all around the gym. This was uncontrolled chaos, and a disaster waiting to happen.

Possible solution

I decided I would try and take them to another room so they could play without possibly being run over, and so the bigger guys could have the whole court. For a little while the kids ran around doing whatever. There was piano playing, singing, playing school, playing catch, and kicking a soccer ball around. After a fair amount of time dealing with the chaos I got the idea of trying to make up a little obstacle course for them to go through. As soon as they realized what I was trying to do some of them jumped in to help. We set up tables and chairs from them to go under, over and around. I think it worked out alright all in all. There was a little crying about who would get to go first, but that only lasted for a few minutes. We set up 3 different courses in all. If I could have come up with other ideas I think we could have done 3 more. I’ll have to give it some thought for next time, and come with more ideas. It’s great fun to play with the kids. 

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