Penguin Day

Penguin Day

I got to go to the school once again for Daddy penguin day. We had a great time together learning about penguins, and playing at recess. The kids all get so excited to have their dads or other family members in the classroom with them. We got to make a little craft, and do some reading together. I love how quickly the kids learn to read and how much fun it is for them to read to their parents.

The plan for the day has us go outside to spend some time playing and acting like penguins. The games are the same ones they’ve been doing for years. I like seeing what the kids want to do with their dad at recess when they get to choose. I’ve played football and tag, and slid down the ice on my feet in years past. This year we played a little cops and robbers around the playground. That was fun, and we had several other kids join the game.

It’s great to be able to participate in things like this at the school. We’ve been very blessed to have flexibility in schedules that have allowed me to be so involved. I’m going to miss this stage of life, but I’m trying to get the most out of it while I can.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. What a good idea! I wish our school would do this.

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