

We were out enjoying some time in the mountains recently when I snapped these two pictures with my phone. They both show the same grass. I find that I prefer the first image over the second. I realize they are slightly different, since the second picture has the taller pants as well. Either way I like the lighting and texture of the overhead protective more. Isn’t it interesting how looking at the same thing from a different perspective can change so much?I find that this happens to me in life. Many times I have felt like I knew something or someone. Later I would get the chance to learn more about the situation, or person. Often this leads to a completely different understanding. I’m trying to learn how to look for new perspective before formulating an opinion about someone. Changing behavior takes time and effort, but I think it’s worth trying. There always seems to be more to the story if I’m willing to put forth the time and effort to listen.

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