Potato Peeling Incident (graphic)

Potato Peeling Incident (graphic)

Our sweet little girl was helping with dinner tonight by peeling some potatoes. She was working along, and somehow she managed to catch her thumb. I had never imagined that a potato peeler could do that to a finger. She was just a little concerned about her condition. It took a few minutes to get her calmed down, and to slow the bleeding enough so we could get a band aid to stay in place. This was a pretty good little cut, but I think because of its position there wouldn’t be any need to get stitches or staples. I was thinking I may need to pick up some super glue and try to help keep things held together while it’s healing. We’ll see how she’s doing tomorrow.

brimley finger brimley finger-2 brimley finger-3 brimley finger-4

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. These picture make my legs hurt! Poor, poor little girl!

    1. She was pretty sad, but she did well, and is almost completely better now.

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