Science Fair

Science Fair

Science Fair Fun

It’s that time of year again. I really love the idea of a science fair, but it always seems to sneak up on us. Every time this happens I say we are going to start early and figure out a fun plan. Somehow that never actually happens, and we end up doing our best to put something together last minute. This go around we tried to see if we could get any power out of a potato. We took it one step further to see if a lemon or a potato would give us more power. We thought the potato would be the best, but it turned out that the lemon worked slightly better. We couldn’t get our LED light to work with either. I couldn’t even get it to work with a 3.7 volt lithium ion battery. I guess I need lower power LED’s for this kind of experiment. Luckily we have a multimeter, so we were able to take some measurements. It’s fun to work with the kids on this kind of thing. I just wish there was more time available to do it.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. This is so cool. I didn’t even know you could get any power from a lemon. Brynna needs to do a science project…if you have any other great ideas I would love to hear them! 😉

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