Snow fort fail?

Snow fort fail?

We had a decent snow storm a couple of weeks ago. They cancelled school on a day even though the snow never came that day. I wouldn’t want to have to answer to a bunch of parents. Some are worried about the safety of their children transporting to and from school. Others are pushing to keep school open so we wouldn’t have to give up a day of spring break. In this instance the forecast was way worse than the bite.

After that school cancellation fail, they kept school open on the day we actually got a little snow. I think that was the right call. The kids are good about getting out and shoveling the driveway for us. When I got home from work they were working on piling the snow up to build a fort. I helped for a few minutes before I had to run off to my next appointment. There really wasn’t enough snow to build a decent cave, but I think it’s good for them to go for it anyway.

Somewhere along the lines they switched gears, and started to bury our daughter. It looks to me like they had a great time, and I don’t think anyone got hurt in the process. I love how kids can turn everything into a game. I’d like to have more of that attitude in life.

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