Snow in the Mountains

Snow in the Mountains


These are a couple I took several weeks ago. We had some fun snow up in the mountains for these shots. Now we have snow everywhere. My neighbor posted a picture of a ruler stuck down to 8 inches. That feels about right. We got to be out driving in the snow in what I thought would have been post rush hour, but it turned out that it was still rush hour. There were plenty of very slick streets, and we passed at least 3 or 4 different accidents, and had to change our intended course a few times to avoid becoming one more accident. I guess conditions were just perfect to make for a very slick situation. Tomorrow could be fun, but I’m hoping they will have gotten everything under control by morning. I think we are due another storm this week too. It’s a bit stressful when things are so slick on the road, but we really need the snow, so I think I’m still saying bring it on. 


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