First Snow of the Season

First Snow of the Season

It was a great day today. We had some overnight rain in the valley, that resulted in snow up on the mountains. I guess this time of year is about normal I’ve been enjoiying the cooler temperatures at night. I prefer not to need to turn on the air conditioner, or event the whole house fan. I hope we can stay in the Fall season for at least a few weeks before it gets cold.

We had biking practice tonight. I thought we might have to stay on the paved trails because of the rain. Lucky for us the trail conditions were great. The rain knocked down all the dust we typically see, and left us with awesome trails. By the time we did all the climbing I was getting a bit sweaty, and then we started going downhill. The downhill doesn’t take as much work and we get a little more speed, so I was feeling like its getting time to start bringing a jacket or something. Maybe next time.

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