Spent the day together

Spent the day together

We had an amazing situation today, where we only had to got to one scheduled event. It’s been awhile since I had so many hours to use however I wanted to. We spent the day together working around our house together.

I’m working to figure out a way to start my day more effectively. I would like to wake up a little earlier and get right to productive activities. This morning I didn’t wake up too early, but I did get moving sooner than normal. After waking up I did my scripture reading and spent a little time pondering life. I’d like figure out how to include meditation into my routine. This may have been a first step, but I’ll still need to spend some time thinking through a long term plan.

We had to run off to a basketball game in a bit of a hurry. The game was alright, but our team was beat pretty soundly. I need to get the kids to the gym more often so they’ll be a little more confident. Our son played well, and it is fun to watch him play.

Later at home we worked together to clean up the desk some. I’ve been trying to build a new computer to replace our dying desktop. Our old computer has been overheating multiple times a day, and restarting as a result. I’ve been part way through that build for about a week now. Today working together we were able to mostly button up the new build. My sons helped get things put together and all cleaned up. I even added some ventilation and a fan to the cabinet where the towers live. Hopefully that will keep them cool enough to leave the doors on the front. I took them off years ago to help with cooling, and it is less than ideal.

Lissa worked all day long to put Christmas away. I was able to break away for a minute so I could pull the lights down off the house. We had a short window of decent weather, and it’s supposed to snow tomorrow. I wasn’t as productive as I’d like to be, but it was a good day. Even after working on things most of the day there is still a long list of projects I need to get to. I suppose they can get on my list of things to accomplish in the morning as I try to make that change.

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