Storm over Timpanogos

Storm over Timpanogos


I got to drive around Deer Creek on the way home from a service project last weekend. It was a great weather day. We had light rain, hail, and sunshine during the few hours we were out. As we rounded a corner on the lake I really liked how only a part of the mountain was standing out in the clouds. I didn’t take but a minute to stop and try and grab a couple of shots. This would have been a good time to have a couple of lens options, but you use what you have. I think this was the 100mm Macro lens I’ve had on the camera for awhile now. It’s probably time to switch that out and carry something different for a bit. The picture didn’t turn out quite like I hoped, but it’s still interesting. Maybe I’ll try and get Lissa to play around with it a bit in Lightroom to see what she can do.

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