Long Days

I had a few minutes to kill, so I took a little walk to try and see if I could find anything worth taking a picture of. I need to start taking some shots of random houses when I see them. There are things I can post about organization, and maintenance and such.

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Awesome Bird

We went to farmington bay to try and see some bald eagles. We struck out on the eagles, but we were able to see some other wildlife and have a great time with the family. I love the way this guy is flying. It feels like he's all squished up.

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Snow Storm

Took the family down to the lake in a snow storm. We took some pictures, and slid around on the ice. It was cold but we spent some time together and had a great time.

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demonstrating different aperture settings. This vine along with the building some distance away give a decent representation of depth of field, and how it changes with aperture adjustments.

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