Fire Dancer

I love the energy and excitement this little guy has for life. He is wonderful to be with, and we are blessed to have him in our family. I hope he gets to work at the PCC someday if that is what he wants.

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A shot of the kids as they went through one of the tunnels on our hike up to timp caves. That was a good experience. I'm impressed with the guys who discovered those places without flashlights and all the goodies we have today.

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Kids Easter Morning

The kids were ready to go for our traditional Easter egg hunt. This year went much better, we didn't have too many of the kids getting upset about not finding enough, or having to wait their turn. Maybe we're making progress, at least we can go with that for now.

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This hawk was out in the backyard the other day. The kids spotted it, and came in very excited to share their find with us. I'm glad they are happy to see animals in nature, and that they like to share things like this with us.

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Hiking Break

Lissa and her friend took the kids out for a hike last week. The kids had a great time together enjoying nature and their friends. It is fun to have close friends, and great mountains to play in so easily.

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