Tracks in the Snow

I always enjoy getting a few minutes to take a couple of pictures of something. I need to figure out how to shoot more pictures of the kids. This post also contains some random musings about basketball, helping family with projects, and political discussion. Life is good

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Zuzu Models

Lissa captured some great images of the boys wearing their awesome zuzu ties. It is fun to see those guys growing their business. I hope it keeps moving along for them. They are good ties.

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Little Bird

I took a couple of shots of this little bird while killing time the other day. The lighting wasn't the best, but It was good to practice. There were several things I could have done better. I should have gone to multi shot mode, and adjusted the auto focus as well. I need to get to a point where I can do all those things without thinking in a couple of seconds. I'll get there if I can keep practicing.

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This was filling up the gutter when I went for a little walk the other day. We are not doing the best at taking care of our environment. I think this sludge is an example of an area where we could use some improvement.

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