Thanksgiving Football

Thanksgiving Football

Thanksgiving Football

It was great fun to play a little Thanksgiving day football with the family this year. I usually only get to play with one brother these days, so it was a real treat to have everyone together this year. The game was fun and competitive. We had some awesome plays, and a few dropped balls. There was some amazing defense played by one of our youngest players. He would get his man every down if he was on defense or offense. The weather worked out perfectly as well. It was a bit chilly getting started, but by the end of the game you couldn’t have asked for better temperatures. I also loved having my cousin join us. I haven’t seen him for years, so that was a real treat. The best part of all, there were no injuries, and there was no crying or complaining the whole time. I’m looking forward to next time.

Just to note, I didn’t have anyone there to help operate the camera for most of the time, so I know I didn’t do a good job documenting the game. You’ll just have to take my word for it that there were several perfect passes, many amazing defensive plays, and a bunch of good stuff all around. Seriously there were quite a few spectacular plays made.

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