Timp Temple

Timp Temple

This is from awhile ago. There was the perfect amount of fog in the air. I wish I would have had a better camera with this morning. Even with my cell phone I could have done much better than this, if I had slowed down a little to enjoy the moment and think about my technique and the framing and things. There will be more foggy days in my future, so I’ll have more opportunities. I remember when Lissa and I went to a class about photography, and the presenter had been to the same place for over a decade trying to get a shot that he had in his head. I don’t think I have that much patience. I’m sure I don’t have the vacation time or money to go travel to the same place for a decade to sit and hope for the perfect conditions, although I think the money he made from that image made it well worth his while.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. I think it is pretty amazing as it is!

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