


It got late on me too fast again tonight. I spent 15 seconds and found this shot of Timpanogos from sometime in the last couple of years. There isn’t so much green on the mountain right now. It’ll be covered in snow soon, which is also amazing. It’s time to get out and take the boys up the front of this mountain. The last time I did that it was pretty painful and that was a couple of years ago. I hope I’m in a little better shape now, but I’m several years older, so I imagine it will still hurt a bit. 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Is there a trail up the face? I have always wanted to try that!

    1. You can follow the trail for Baldy at the bottom, and then you have to go off the trail and make your own way. It’s a bit of a challenge, but I think it’s worth the extra effort.

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