Tracks in the Snow

Tracks in the Snow

Tracks in the Snow

For today I have a picture I captured a couple of weeks ago. I thought the tire tracks in the snow were fun. I went down this road hoping to find something worth shooting. My time was limited as always, so I captured a few images and got back to work.

We had a great day today. We started off with some basketball. In the boys game this morning with about a minute left in the game a couple of guys form the other team ran into each other. That resulted in a fairly large cut over one of the kids eyes. He was pretty calm about the whole thing. We called his dad, and they took off for the insta care. That ended the game, and put things into a little better perspective. I’ve found myself feeling like it is a win when I finish a game without any injuries, and not being so worried about the points. 

With the basketball games finished we went down to help a family member with a little project. The project went pretty well. We were able to move it further than was expected. There is still a decent amount of work to be done. I rushed things a little, so there may be a little clean up work when we pick up again next time. Nothing I haven’t done before. Maybe one day I’ll learn to slow down a bit and get it right the first time. 

We wrapped up the day having dinner with the family. The kids played well together and the parents had a discussion about current events. The politics of the day make that such a go to conversation. I’m hopeful that the government will figure out a bit of a status quo soon. Even a week with no major scandal would be wonderful. Hang in there everyone, life is good.

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