Trees in the Park Fail

Trees in the Park Fail

I had a few minutes at the park the other day with. I had a tripod, and a camera, so I tried taking a couple of shots for fun. I’m afraid this turned into a trees in the park fail. The shots didn’t turn out like I was picturing them in my head. 

I put the camera on the tripod so it was down low, between the legs. That made looking through the view finder very difficult. I was also working with a 100mm lens, which was really probably a little too tight for photographing these tall trees from such a close distance. I tried moving further away, but then I was getting distracting objects in the foreground. Unfortunately that left me cutting the tops off the trees. Maybe next time.

Of course my time was short, so I snapped just a few shots. I didn’t look at them to see how they were turning out, and moved on. This is not a good formula for awesome photography. Still I think its better to shoot something than to not shoot at all. Hopefully one day something will sink in, and I’ll get a little better. 

All in all it was great to be out at the park at sunset. We enjoyed a very pleasant evening. This is a great time of year, and I need to find more ways to get outside and enjoy it.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I think all your “fails” are still pretty beautiful!

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