Trying Again

Trying Again

Well I’ve been pretty bad at posting to the blog lately. We’ve been keeping busy, but mainly I just haven’t been as dedicated to taking the time to write like I want to. I’m going to try again. I’ve got a couple of ideas for things I could be writing about, so I’ll give it another shot and see how things go.

Community Involvment

One of the things we’ve been up to this holiday season has been to participate in a reading drive. Orem and our local church leaders, and United Way, along with many business and concerned citizens have been working together to improve reading. Many of the students in our elementary schools are not reading at grade level, and we need to do something about it.

The city sponsored a book drive and invited several special guests. Santa donated one of his favorite books, along with many representatives of the other supporting organizations. Our children helped out as well. One of the books we donated was the book Where the Wild Things Are They kind of wanted to keep it for themselves, but they felt really good to give it to kids that didn’t have books at home to read. We still have a copy, but ours is pretty beat up, and the nice new copy we donated would have been fun for them to have.


I’ve volunteered on occasion at one of the local elementary schools to help with an after school reading program. It’s difficult to find the time to do it regularly, but I do enjoy being a substitute when I can. Hopefully one day I’ll work out my schedule so I can be a regular there. It’s important that the community recognize the value of children that learn to read early. I think in the past at times I’ve felt like I’m too overwhelmed just trying to make sure my own children learn to read, and become good citizens, but I don’t think that is a wise approach to the world. It takes a village to keep healthy societies running, and I should do my part beyond just my own family.

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