

We had a great day today. I played basketball this morning, and unfortunately my age is starting to catch up to me. Somehow along the way I ended up with a cramp in my lower leg. I couldn’t shake it for anything. I tried stretching, and rubbing it, but I was doomed to suffer for the rest of the morning. I was able to get some decent work done today. I also managed to play a little pepper with my oldest. He is getting pretty good at volleyball, and I need to get out and play with him more often. We had an enjoyable evening up at the in-laws swimming and BBQing to celebrate Pioneer day. We kept the kids out way too late tonight though, and I’m afraid we’re all going to suffer tomorrow.

These are a few cell phone pictures of the waterfall. I have been to this fall several times, but I’ve never hiked up to this upper pool and falls area. It is pretty amazing. I love all the moss and green around it. I also really enjoy that there are so many different places the water is falling from. Plenty to take in. I can’t wait to go back again.

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