

I was going through some old pictures trying to clean up the hard drive recently. I came across these shots from a decade ago when we went to see this waterfall back in 2010. We used to get up to the Bridal Veil falls almost every year. I’m not sure why we haven’t made it there as often lately.

These are not the most amazing pictures, but we sure enjoy spending time with these great kids. Lissa used to say how quickly they were going to grow up and be gone. Back then I would tell her to relax, and we had lots of time. She was right, the time went by way too fast. I’m grateful for times like this when we were out together enjoying nature. While I can’t even remember the name of the waterfall we were going to see, I can remember being together.

I need to do a better job of putting things like this on the calendar. If I don’t set time aside for things, I tend to let too much time go by without doing what’s best. So much comes at us during the week I have to protect time to go on adventures with the family. We learned today at church that we need to be intentional in our actions. I’m going to work to be more intentional in how I spend time with these amazing people I’m blessed to call family.

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