Week 6

Week 6

Hello for the last time from Mexico City!
Today is my last Pday in the CCM. That is pretty exciting. I am starting to get the little things that I need to done. On Monday I packed my bag, weighed my bag and then I unpacked my bag before bed. That was pretty exciting. They needed the numbers by Wednesday for some reason so I got it to my travel leaders on Wednesday. I am going to get my first and only haircut here in the CCM. They are basically hair butchers here. Hopefully they will be kind to my hair. Not that I care a whole ton right now. As long as I don’t look ridiculous to meet my Mission President. Apparently I only get one bag for free on the way to Argentina and I have to pay for the other. It is only forty five dollars and I have been told that the church will reimburse that. We have our last lesson tomorrow, because Saturday is General Conference. Apparently General Conference is a really cool thing on your mission and I am really excited to watch it. It sounds like they will broadcast it in English here at the CCM with Spanish in some places for the Latinos. I’ll have to be pretty confident in my Spanish by April though.


Last night we had a meeting where we got our flight plans and everything else we need for our departure. That made everyone super excited for the Monday. I leave to Argentina on Monday October eighth. My flight leaves at ten twenty one in the morning and I leave the CCM for good at six o’clock. I should get into Argentina nine hours and fifty minutes after I leave. So I’ll get into Buenos Aires at about seven in the evening. I don’t know what happens then. If I have to take another nine hour bus ride or if I get to fly from Buenos Aires to Resistencia. We may have to stay in Buenos Aires for a night and then go to Resistencia on Tuesday. It’s going to be exciting. Poor Elder Bird has to fly for almost twenty four hours to get to Cochabamba Bolivia. He takes one flight to get out of Mexico to Bolivia, one flight from the Capital to Santa Cruz, and another flight from Santa Cruz to Cochabamba.
Just to let you know, Tomorrow will be the last day to send letters. I will check the mail twice Once at about twelve forty five and again later. The Post office closes at Four so have any letters sent before then or I won’t get them. While your at it if you have some time you could send some to my district too. We have:Elder ReesElder BirdElder FredrickElder ButlerElder SmithElder OlsenElder Hawsand Elder PitcherHermana RawlingsHermana Gordhamerand Hermana VanceThat would be great. Just offer some words of encouragement or something. I would love it if it was the biggest haul of mail in six weeks.
I think that I found Kristen’s second doppelganger after her sister. You wouldn’t happen to be related to any Lunds would you? There is a new sister in my Zone that is named Sister Lund and she looks very similar to you.
Grandpa do you know any Stapelys. The first counselor in the MTC presidency was a Navy pilot too. He has some pretty good stories even if he does repeat them a lot.
There are always sirens going outside the wall, and every one has it’s own distinct sound like in the US. One of the sirens makes almost the same sound as pacman does when it eats. Just not so computerized. It’s pretty funny. They are super loud so they are heard all the time around here outside the walls. There are still fireworks going on outside the wall and it sounds like someone is shooting heavy artillery to try and blow up the mountain. That is pretty fun. I sent my suit to get dry cleaned today. It was seventy pesos. That is like four bucks. I don’t know how much it is in the US but four bucks is cheaper right?
This week we had our usual Tuesday devotional and the Stapelys were teaching it. Sister Stapely talked about the sower and the reaper and how as missionaries we get credit whether we sow the seed or reap the fruit. It was really good. President Stapely talked about who we are and why it is important to remember that. He showed us a clip of Lion King and then talked about it. It was the Clip right in the middle where Simba sees cloud Mufasa. He showed a big long clip of it. They were good messages. We are supposed to sow and then reap where we sow when we can but we don’t always get to, but the sower gets immense blessings in Heaven as well as the reaper.
We were supposed to have a broadcast from Provo on Sunday that was supposed to happen but didn’t. So they showed a Bednar talk that was super cool.
The Lord has been very good to me while I have been here at the CCM and I know that he will continue to be when I get to Argentina. I’m excited to see the tender mercies that the Lord has in store for the people of Resistencia Argentina and me. Hopefully I can be an “Angel” sent from heaven for someone there.
Sorry about your head Hunter, and your collarbone Bradon. That sounds like it really sucked. Happy Birthday to Questin, Bryant, and Caitlyn. Hello to the little big ones. Don’t get any bigger while I am gone okay? Hello to Henry and Sierra so they know who I am when I get back.
Talk to you all soonish from Argentina. Unless my Pday remains on Thursday you probably won’t here from me until the week after next, unless they give me a bit of time to tell mom I made it safe and sound, So, until we meet again my friends and family,

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