What the?

What the?

What the?

I was in the parking lot of the gas station after putting some air in my tire. I am usually very particular about keeping the air pressure in my tires at the upper end of their range. I hate the idea of wearing them out faster, and getting poorer fuel economy. I let this low air tire go for a little over a week before I took the time to take care of it. That’s all beside the point however. While we were sitting in the parking lot we happened to notice this guy go by on his bike. 

The first time he went by he was just holding the drum sticks in one hand, and not trying to play at all. He got to the intersection and turned around. This time as he went by he started to ride with no hands. As soon as he was comfortable with his balance he started “playing the drum”. I was a little too slow to get the camera ready for that pass. Lucky for me he must have gone to the next intersection and turned around again. This time I at least had the camera out. My settings still weren’t perfect, but I did manage to get these 2 shots of this guy. 

I have to imagine that he is practicing to make a youtube video or something. I imagine if he can pull it off, and get the right people to like his video, it will go viral for him. That, or he is trying to impress a girl. Either way it was fun to see our own little bit of crazy riding down the street. I guess i need to pick a random talent and start practicing. 

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