Cakes decorated by the kids

Cakes decorated by the kids

This was from the second annual activity where we have cakes decorated by the kids. They are so proud of their creations. I’m pretty sure they actually like the candy better than the decorating. I love hearing about what the different things are on the cakes. I should write some of it down, because I’ll never remember everything. When they are excited and telling me about things, I need to get into a better frame of mind, and be all in with them. Too often I allow the distractions of work or whatever to leave me split in my attention. The kids won’t talk to me forever, and if I can train myself to just put the other things aside for a few minutes, I think it would be a more rewarding experience for all of us. Next time the kids are trying to tell me something I’m going to slow down a little and just give them 5 minutes to share whatever it is with me.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. I’m surprised (and proud of you!) that you let them decorate cakes at all! I’m sure they are not one pan…but maybe they are chocolate!

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