


The kids came in and woke us up the a few weeks ago. They were very excited because a “big bird” had landed in the telephone pole in our backyard. I’m still not excited to have a telephone pole in the yard, and I wish they would bury the lines already. I got up and went out with the kids. They love finding birds ever since we tried to volunteer with the local rapture group. We weren’t so successful at fulling our responsibilities with that program. They wanted us to drive a couple of hours multiple times a month for several months. It is very difficult for me to find that kind of time.

Unwanted Guest

If you look in the top right corner of one of these shots, you’ll see another little bird in the frame. This bird was not nearly has happy to have our guests as my kids were. This bird along with a couple of others were chirping like crazy, and flying all around the hawk. I guess they were quick enough that they weren’t afraid of it, and they must have been protecting their nest I suppose. The Hawk didn’t hang around for too long. I think he was getting a little too much attention. Fun to see nature right outside.

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