Leprechaun not my favorite shots

Leprechaun not my favorite shots


This hike is one of the most amazing places I’ve been to. It is fun and pretty, and challenging, but not too challenging. There are options for more difficult that are available but not required. This is an all around winner. I have tried taking pictures to do it justice for at least 3 different times going through. The last time I went I tried getting some different shots and was looking for creative ways to approach my pictures. I’m not sure I was able to pull off any thing worth the effort. In my defense I didn’t think we should have been there that day. I was pretty concerned about our situation as it was threatening to rain, and you don’t want to be anywhere near a slot canyon when there is rain. There was also the issue that it had rained the night before, so every low spot in the slot was filled with water. I was trying to stay dry for as long as possible. I’m going to go through and do some editing on the images I captured some day, but for today I just picked the first few I came across and tried to see what I could do with a little very quick editing. This is what I got.

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