Moose Fail

Moose Fail

Moose Fail 

When we were up on the back of Timp the other day I got to see a couple of Moose hanging out. I’m going to call this the best moose fail I’ve had so far. They were not far away (but far enough that I wasn’t aggravating them at all), but I struggled to get them in focus. They were just inside the tree line enough, that I never got a good clear view. The other challenge I had is that they were up the hill from me a little ways, so I had way too much of the long grass in the frame. I tired to get up a little closer, but I didn’t want to cause them any grief. Next time I’ll have to slow down a little, and make sure I’m getting the focus. There were a couple of times as they meandered along where there was a bit of a break in the plant life in front of them. If I had been paying better attention, I could have done better to setup the shot for those windows. 

The reason I even saw these guys was because a car had tried to drive into a ditch. I looked down the road, and there was a car that had started to go off the road on the drivers side. He was far enough off the road going into the ditch that his passenger side back wheel was floating in the air. I ran down to help push him out. Lucky for the driver there was no damage caused, and we pushed him right out with no problem. As soon as we pushed him backwards out, a car from the other direction proceeded to drive into the same ditch. This time since he was coming from the other side it was his passenger side front tire going down, and the rear drivers side wheel in the air. I couldn’t believe that he hadn’t realized what we had just finished doing. Anyway while we were trying to get him pushed back out, a couple of guys were trying to get around the corner. It was the craziest thing. All of these random people trying to wreck their cars at the same time. Somehow everyone was able to get home without any damage to their vehicles. I guess it all worked out, because otherwise I probably wouldn’t have seen the Moose walking along. 

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