Springtime Mountains

Springtime Mountains

Springtime Mountains

This springtime the mountains are so green. With all the snow and rain they have been able to green up considerably. I think we get this look almost every year, but I have paid better attention to how amazing the mountains look this year. We happened to be out the other day at sunset, and we got to see the almost full moon rise over Cascade mountain. I’m not sure what impacts the brightness of the moon, but it wasn’t as intensely bright as it can be. In fact I was out working in the front yard tonight as the moon rose, and it seemed much brighter tonight that it did in these shots. I couldn’t be interrupted in my work tonight to document the difference though, so you’ll have to take my word for it. As the full moon rises over the mountains sometimes it looks huge. 

I would like to try and be disciplined in taking more regular shots of the mountains to see how quickly the snow melts. I’ve already missed too many days to make it a great project, but it is interesting to me to watch the way they change over time. I should find a good location, and then try and photograph from that same place on a pattern, so that I could create a fun time lapse. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for. I’ve been thinking it would be a fun project for years, but I haven’t brought myself to do it yet.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. These are great! I especially like the first one with the moon.

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