Star Gazing

Star Gazing

We took the kids star gazing to try and watch the meteor shower that was supposed to be happening. We went up into the mountains so that we could get away from the city lights. It worked wonderfully. The stars were brilliant. The temperatures were pretty cold, so we had all the kids laying on their backs covered in blankets trying to stay comfortable. There were lots of shooting stars, some of which were amazing. I had hoped that they would be a bit more frequent, and more centralized. Turns out they were all over the sky which made it difficult to photograph them. Looking quickly at the back of the camera didn’t give me a good impression of what I was getting. I was pretty excited thinking we were getting some decent shots of the milky way and such, but looking at them on the computer was a bit of a let down.

I did a small amount of editing to all of these except 1, that should make it pretty obvious what they looked like straight out of the camera. I still haven’t even unloaded our best camera yet, so there may be a little hope yet, but I’m afraid I was over exposing. I think I need a little shorter shutter time, and then they would have turned out a little sharper I think. We’ll have to go up and give it another try again soon, so we don’t forget what we’ve learned. I also may need to bring a laptop and tether the shoot, so that we can check things live and make needed adjustments on the spot. Life is good, but I’m sad that summer is coming to an end and the kids will be going back to school. They are all great.

I did get catch at least one shooting star, can you find it?

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