More Star Photography Attempts

More Star Photography Attempts

Star Photography

While I was up camping with the boys I stayed up till everyone went to bed and turned off all the flashlights. I wanted to try and get some star photography shots. I was hoping to line up the milky way with the campfire. I’m not sure the location allowed for exactly what I had in mind, and I probably needed to have some flames in the fire. It was pretty late though, and I didn’t want to stoke the fire to then turn around and put it out. 

I used 2 different lenses in my tests. I wonder if you can see when I switched over in the images? I wanted to use the wide angle lens, because it allows for a longer exposure time without getting blur in the stars. I also wanted to try and use a lens with a large aperture, but the lens I had with that was a 50mm. My wide angle lens allowed for about a 18-20 second exposure, but the best it would do was F4. The 50mm lens allowed for F1.4, but it required an exposure time of at most 10 seconds. I still think it gathered more light. I probably need a different lens to get what I’m after with star photography. Here’s what I got this time.


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