Sun Rays

Sun Rays

Here are a couple of photos that I took in a rush. I got home from work and just as I pulled up the clouds were perfect, with the suns rays were showing through. It only lasted for a few seconds, so I grabbed the camera and took these 3 shots as quickly as I could. I could have been paying more attention on the drive. I might have mentally prepared myself with what settings to use, how to compose the shot etc. There was a moment spent trying to avoid really awkward cropping of the houses, but I was a bit limited in my options based on my surroundings.  In the future I ought to spend a little time exploring better vantage points to take pictures in the area as I regularly find myself trying to get a shot. It would be nice if I didn’t have to have the houses in the foreground. I’m glad I had a camera with me at the time. I don’t think I would have gotten the shot if I had to go get one. I probably should have had a polarizing filter on the lens. I’m sure there are a dozen other things I could do to improve the shot, but these are the ones I’ve thought of in reviewing them. There isn’t much color, so maybe I should play around with a black and white version to see how it looks. In conclusion I have lots of room to improve.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. You are too hard on yourself! You are a great husband, dad and photographer! (But I guess you are those things because you are always looking to improve.)

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