United We Stand

United We Stand


With all the chaos we’ve been going through this election, I thought it would be fun to post a few images of our “Grand Old Flag” We live in a time where there is a lot of emphasis placed on the things that divide us and our differences. I hope there are still significant things that unite us, and a common good that we can look to for the future. 

This election cycle was such a disappointment. How we managed to have such a difficult choice to make on election day still baffles me. I would love the opportunity for a “do over”, although I don’t know that we would do any better. So many people are frustrated with the way things are moving. I for one still don’t understand how we can stand for a congress that will pass an “affordable care act” that doesn’t include themselves. I think if it is good enough for the people, it should be good enough for them. That is of course one minor grievance I have with the way the elitist are able to look out for their own best interest while never really being able to figure out how to improve the situation for the general public. 

Enough ranting. In my view it is time for the normal individual to “put our house in order” as best we can, and get involved in the national conversation where possible. We need to be the voice of reason, where it is likely that our “leaders” will not. This is our country and it is time the average person had more ability to affect the direction we are headed.

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