Wake Boarding

Wake Boarding

Wake Boarding

We are not good boaters, but  we did make it out to the lake twice already this year. Hopefully we can get out a few more times before the end of the summer. Time goes by very quickly though, and there is always something to do. The water was choppy on this occasion, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time. The boys got out on the wake board, and the kids all took turns on the tube. We need to get out more often, the boys are coordinated and could be having lots of fun on that wake board if we got them out there regularly enough to remember what they figured out the last time. 

I thought some of these pictures with the sun setting in the background were pretty fun. They are a little dark for me, but I think that dramatic contrast between the light and the dark is pretty interesting. Maybe I should lighten up parts of the image?

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